The Gift of Life
Each new day we're given is a privilege, not a right~
Give thanks for the gift of another day, even when you’ve cried~
And before you settle in and go to sleep for the night~
Share all the love in your heart; never keep your feelings inside~
I've decided to try working on my creative writing again and the above short poem is my first stab at it.
We should all feel so blessed when we wake up each day because simply waking up is a precious gift. It's such a simple concept and yet, so often taken for granted. We don't think about the potential that we may not wake up tomorrow. We don't consider that maybe today was our last opportunity to spend time with a dear friend or a member of our family. We don't plan for tragedy. Obviously, we don't want to live our lives with the constant fear of doom and gloom, but we also should consider the potential that tomorrow will be too late to do those things we keep putting off. A simple phone call to a loved one to let them know we love them or miss them or are thinking about them is often put off until another day. This is normal behavior for all of us because we assume tomorrow will be just like today.
Sadly, tomorrow is not promised. With that in mind, it only takes a moment of your time to pick up a phone or send a quick message to someone close to you letting them know how much they mean to you and that you're thinking of them. It's a little thing that will likely be the most important thing you do on any given day. I know what it does for my spirit if someone I care about suddenly takes a moment to contact me and let me know that they are thinking of me.
Life moves so quickly and before we know it, we're wondering where the time went. Sometimes, we don't get that last opportunity with our loved ones before they are suddenly taken away from us. Losing our loved ones is NEVER easy but imagine how painful the regret would be if you had only taken a couple of moments out of your day to let them know you care, but you missed that opportunity.
So, who have you been neglecting lately? It only takes a minute to make a world of difference!!
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